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Phone: 785-410-6846
Walking the Heartland
Make a Donation
Phone: 785-410-6846

Reasons We Meet

  • We are like a family. Once you have a heart problem and get into a support group, you have people who understand and who encourage you. Who know what you are going and gone through.

  • Find out you are not alone. When you are in the hospital a lot is going on. You don't know what is going to happen what your future is.

  • Make friends who are in the same position

  • It's good to talk. You may come in and say I have been taking this medication and have had this side effect. Someone may say I had that too. Here is what I did to deal with it. Or I have had this problem.

  • It is good for caregivers too. They may feel left out.

  • Builds confidence. We see each other doing well and we know we will be fine.

  • Makes us feel good. I fervently believe that to be healthy you need to smile a lot and keep a positive attitude.

  • You are not alone. If you don't have someone to talk to and if you feel you are the only one who has had this happen to….that is not a good feeling.

  • We know there is a light at the end. That there is hope and we can encourage each other.
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